10 Developers You Should Follow On Twitter

10 Developers You Should Follow On Twitter

Last on the list is someone you know really well ;)

Hey there.

How is it going?

Been a while I shared anything here, so I've decided to shared this curated list of 9 developers I think you should follow on Twitter.

The idea actually came to my head while I was taking a shower, lol.

Before then, make sure you go ahead and give me a follow as well, as I won't be mentioning myself in this article.

Done that already?

Alright, let’s dive right in!

1. @itisteacher - JavaScript Teacher

JavaScript Teacher is one of the most popular and influential JavaScript developers out there on Twitter.

Apart from his cool CSS and Javascript projects and tutorials which he shares with his followers, JavaScript Teacher also has amazing books which he has written on CSS, JavaScript, and Python.

He happens to be the brain behind Semicolon; a social media platform which he themed "Twitter for developers".

Go ahead and give him a follow!

2. @VladPasca5 - Vlad Pasca

Vlad Pasca is yet another developer which I recommend you definitely follow on Twitter! The young lad often shares tips on how to improve in your career as a web developer.

He is the author of "Web Developer Knowledge", a book he had written to sum up everything he teaches in terms of helping you grow as a web developer.

Looking to become a better developer?

Go ahead and add him to your following list.

3. @dabit3 - Nader Dabit

If you love consuming programming-related content, then Nader Dabit is someone you won't want to skip following.

He put out great content that he even got an offer to join EdgeAndNode as a Developer Relations Engineer (i.e getting paid to create content for developers).

Want to sharpen up your knowledge about the world of programming in general, go ahead and do the needful - you should know that by now ;)

4. @oliverjumpertz - Oliver Jumpertz

Are you a JavaScript developer?

Oliver dedicates his Twitter handle to teaching and explaining to you - the core concept of JavaScript.

He covers almost everything right from functions, string manipulation, array manipulation, etc.

Recently, he has also started putting up tweets about blockchain technology, so if you're looking to learn about that, you can also follow him as well.

5. @florinpop1705 - Florin Pop

If you actively watch tutorials or coding-related videos on YouTube, then there are chances you've come across Florin Pop.

He is a content creator on YouTube, and also the author of the popular book, "Ten++ Ways to Make Money as a Developer".

Florin often shares tips on the several ways you can make money as a developer plus a bunch of promotions of his book.

Go ahead and follow him if you're looking to have a professional career in coding.

Stop Over...

Okay, you've made it this far... Congratulations. Why? Because these last 5 people I'll be sharing with you are value-filled.

Almost every tweet they put out there is meant to teach you something, or understand a concept, either about coding, freelancing, or job-seeking.

Great, right?

Let's proceed!

6. @Prathkum - Pratham

Pratham is a frontend web developer and a popular Twitter content creator.

He titled himself "someone that helps you reduce the complexity of web development by 20% through his tweets".

If you're already a web developer and you're really looking to spice up your frontend skills one step at a time, every day, without having to go through tutorial hell, then Pratham is someone you should definitely give a follow.

He shares tips and tricks to make you better at frontend development.

7. @DThompsonDev - Danny Thompson

Sharing his story on how he went from frying chickens to becoming a software developer, Danny is someone you'd want to follow to gain some motivation and inspiration to keep yourself going in your coding journey.

Danny usually deliberate on the fact that you don't actually need a CS degree to land a job as a developer, and he's always been proofing that through testimonials from different people consuming both his free and paid content.

8. @PrasoonPratham - Pratham Prasoon

Prasoon is a 16-year-old Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) developer.

He often tweets about machine learning and share resources to help you kick off/grow in that aspect of programming.

In the field of machine learning and artificial intelligence? Go ahead and follow him.

9. @study_web_dev - Kyle Prinsloo

Are you a freelance web developer? Or are you looking to become one?

Then, I believe you should know who Kyle is.

Ohh... You don't?

Well, it's okay... Maybe you don't.

Kyle is a freelance web developer and a freelancing advocate (not sure if that's the correct English, lol).

He often tweets about how and why should become a freelance web developer.

He is the author of the popular freelancing book, "80/20 Freelancing".

If freelancing is your thing, then go ahead and give him a follow.

PS: In case you're reading this Kyle, I actually participated in your book giveaway a few months ago, and unfortunately, I didn't get a chance. I really hope you can do another giveaway so I could try my luck this time ;)

10. @traversymedia - Brad Traversy

And here comes the chief, yay! :)

Oh... You don't know him?

Well, I'd not say you're lying because not everyone watches coding tutorials on YouTube.

Brad Traversy is a really YouTube popular coding instructor and a web developer.

He is someone who has tutored tens of thousands of people to learn how to code and become a developer.

You can see his Twitter handle as a form of a newsletter to get updated whenever he releases a new video or is working on some coding tutorials.

He also shares random tweets about himself and his family... So, do make sure to give him a follow.


And that brings us to the end of this article on 10 developers you should follow on Twitter.

This list has been put together based on my own personal knowledge and my immediate network, with no form of deep research.

So, feel free to mention in the comments, people you think are also worth adding to the list.

I may consider and perhaps add them later.

So, what do you think?